Blue Pool Wash is slot canyon easily accessible from Highway 89 near Page, AZ. The canyon runs right under the highway, and there are several down climbs and pools of water (that are definitely not blue). You can bring some rope to rappel of a few anchor points down some of the tricky drops.
Hike Info
Date: 9/8
Trail Type: Loop
Miles: <1
Trailhead: Google Maps
The Hike
We only made it through part of the wash about 2 downclimbs in before climbing out an exit point to head back to the car, but I'd love to come back for the the final 50 ft rappel.
There is a dirt parking lot with a metal gate immediately south of the bridge between mile marker 3 and 4. The canyon can be seen running directly under the bridge, and the beginning of the canyon is to your left from the lot.
Entering the canyon
The beginning of the sandy wash
Avoiding the first stagnant pool
Getting a good workout downclimbing the narrow slot canyon
Headed under the highway
Still staying high and dry!
There were old cars and engines along the wash
One of the longer pools that definitely stretched my 5'4" frame
Looking downcanyon
Cody at the bottom of a tricky 10' downclimb
Me making my way down the 10' drop
The next pool looked a little too long and deep for me, so we turned around and made our way back up the last downclimb to an exit point we spotted earlier.
Looking around the bend
If you don't mind trekking through the stagnant pools of water, you could just downclimb or rappel into the pools and wade your way through the long sections.
Our exit point from the canyon
To make your way back to the dirt lot, hike along the top of the canyon to head under the bridge.
Making our way back to the TH along the top of the slot
Other useful sites:
American Southwest
Todd's Hiking Guide
Summit Post